Irish PickettCandidate for Hoke County Board of Education 1. Please tell the public a little about yourself your background, education, and relevant experience. I am a native of Hoke County, widow of an US Army veteran, and mother of six children (all of whom matriculated through Hoke County’s school system). I graduated from [then] Upchurch High School, here in Raeford. I received my B.S. Degree - Education from Fayetteville State University and my M.A. Degree Education and M.Ed. Degree -Administration from [then] Pembroke State University. Before retiring, I dedicated over 32 years as an educator and school administrator in Moore, Cumberland and Hoke County school systems. I have been privileged to serve the students, parents, and citizens of Hoke County for three terms on the Hoke County School Board. 2. Why are you running for the Board of Education? I am running for re-election to the Hoke County School Board because I believe in Educational Excellence. I believe being a member of the Board will help ensure Educational Excellence remains the standard in Hoke County Schools. Our children are our future and they deserve the best our educational system can offer. My commitment to quality education is not a light-hearted interest; it is my passion. 3. If elected (or re-elected), what do you hope to accomplish? If re-elected I want to continue to ignite the creative minds of the children in Hoke County by promoting a school system where they feel safe to exist, challenged to learn, and confident of success when they graduate. I also want to promote a school system where parents are valued; encouraged to be present; are volunteering in the classrooms; attending afterschool programs and are actively engaged in their child’s academic success. 4. Do you think Hoke County needs a new high school? Why or why not? Would you support building a new high school, and if so, where should it go? The needs of Hoke County’s students are taken very seriously by the Board. Population growth is a major determinant in the building of new schools in the county. Hoke County has seen a significant increase in high school graduates from 50% in 2006, to more than 80% in 2018. We will continue to study the enrollment rates versus capacity availability at our two current high schools (Hoke County High and SandHoke Early College High School) in accordance to the population growth in our urban and rural areas. Collaboratively with school administrators, we will strategize options to best accommodate our students. If the need for another high school is deemed necessary, then talks will begin with our County Commissioners, local government officials, stake holders, parents and the community to discuss recommendations for a new school and its location. 5. What are your thoughts on other school facilities needs (elementary, middle, etc.)? 6. What efforts would you support to help make Hoke County Schools safe for students and staff? I will continue to support and encourage a close working relationship with our law enforcement and legal colleagues. I will also continue to support the new safety initiatives Hoke County Schools have implemented this 2018-2019 school year. Namely, Mental Health, the Rave Panic Emergency App, the School Wide Evacuation/Reunification Plan and the See Something, Say Something Campaign. This will not only maintain physical safety, but it will begin a new dialogue of educating students on the law and promoting virtual and cyber safety. 7. What are your thoughts on charter schools? Clearly, parents have a right to send their children to whatever type of school system they deem best for their child(ren). Charter schools are independent public schools that are not governed by the same rules and regulations that apply to traditional public schools. These separate, but public-school systems, where one is selective and the other is not, leaves room for substantial inequities, i.e. admission/enrollment, accountability, and materials for example. Regarding funding, charter schools have negatively impacted the local school districts in N.C. For every child who transitions from the public to the charter system, traditional public schools lose funding for those students. Major funding loss will not only reduce basic expenditures, but it forces reduction in staff and programs as well. The traditional public-school system and the children suffer. I am a proponent for the traditional public-school system where all children receive a personalized quality education. 8. Are there any areas of education or school system administration in Hoke County Schools that are of particular concern for you? I have no negative concerns. I am very pleased to report that all the county’s school met or exceeded growth this past school year. I hope the citizens of Hoke County will see that the Board of Education has tried to consistently determine priorities and set clear objectives that guide and inspire our schools’ administrators, staff, and students to achieve results and improve academic excellence. We want to continue to build a shared sense of purpose with our schools and community; to continue to promote a school system that creates a work environment and culture that values, and rewards creativity and innovation in the classroom; and to continue to foster accountability by ensuring compliance with rules and regulations. 9. What would you do to help the school system recruit and retain qualified teachers? We have seen nationally how the role of the teacher is devalued and as a former teacher, this saddens me. If there were no teachers, none of us would have the careers, jobs, or professions we have. I believe we need the most qualified teachers to care for, invest in, and teach our children. To achieve that, intense interviews and background checks must be conducted for prospective teachers. Teachers need to be respected and supported by qualified administrative leaders who encourage autonomy, creativity, and growth, while providing the structure they need to develop the fundamental, educational basics that will prepare our students for the next levels of learning. I would advocate for teachers to have a voice in the delivery of the academic process at their various schools. I would fight to maintain student/teacher ratios that are conducive to maximize learning. 10. What efforts would you support to improve the high school graduation rate and test scores across all grade levels? To have had a graduation rate of 95% at Sandhoke Early College High School and 82% at Hoke County High School this past school year is to be applauded! We have added more opportunities into the curriculum to support our students with technical and professional skills and this has been very successful, but we still lost a few students. One effort I would support to help improve test scores across all grade levels and propel the schools to a 100% graduation rate would be the introduction of certified life coaches in addition to highly qualified teachers. These certified coaches would be available for one-on-one mentoring, advising, coaching, even shoulders to cry on, for students especially those at risk for drop-out. Together, the teachers and certified life coaches could provide the ultimate learning experience for our students.